This is me!

This is me!
Helen Ida, Honey, Mom, Grammy and Nurse, Nurse, I need the bedpan!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Quick update

Hi, not that anyone really reads this blog, but, my little grandbaby is feeling better and is home.
I'm flying to their home on Friday with hopes of giving mommy and daddy a little break. Their auntie is on her way down as I write this.
If you happened to pray for her, thankyou. H

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pray for Luci

My little grandaughter is chronically ill. Please add her to your prayers. Ear, throat and lung infections. Round after round of antibiotics. This is not good.

Here she is with her big brother. She is almost 16 mo.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

This is Bub's very good friend "A".

It is a general consensus within the family that she is a cutie.

Our 6 lb 15 1/5 oz baby. Bub

This is Bub. Drummer, firefighter and wonderful son. He's been a kick in the pants to raise. Just as his mom and dad.

E and M's last baby.

The complete family. This is Oliver, E & M's 4th "child".

One thing about their family, they shouldn't be facing huge college tuition bills for the "kids"???

Saturday, January 19, 2008

This is Noebelle. E and M's 3rd child.

E and M's other child. They have a couple more. Very hairy family. Wouldn't you say?
This is E and her hubby M.

My youngest daughter E, aka my hippie mountain mama daughter.

This is E and my grandogger, Gracie. Don't you think Gracie favors her mom?...minus the hat, of course. :-)
Gracie loves her Grandma.

The other "child" of KJ's family.

It wouldn't be right to leave Mango, my hairy grandson, (lower right hand corner) out of the blog. He actually is the first grandchild from this family.

KJ's family

Here are my two "adorables" with their mommy and daddy. Even the parents are kind of cute. (Don't tell the daddy I said that! :-)

This is KJ

KJ is my first child. The one I got to practice on. If Dr. Spock said it, I did it. She survived in spite of her mother's ignorance. Now, she is a mother, herself.
She has a lovely family. Her husband M, and she own a business together. As well as, KJ is working full time CPS...a very stressful, demanding and dangerous job.
A pic of her little chicklets (my adorables) will follow. Remember "Hooked on Phonics"?
Well, I'm "Hooked on Grandkids"! You'l see.

Friday, January 18, 2008


This is my boyfriend, best friend, companion, lover and husband. All in one package!!! Isn't he cute??

About Me

United States
At the present, I would describe myself first, as a child of God and follow with wife, mother, grandmother, friend, nurse and invisible woman. If you are female age 50 or above, most likely you understand my invisibility. I've always understood my mortality, it's the loss of youthfulness I grieve. I was born in NV and raised in CA (a latch-key kid). I presently reside in central OR, a lovely place to live, but leaves me lonely for my dear friends & too far from my family. I know the love of a good man. I'm the mother of 3 wonderful adult children & Grammy to two (my "adorables"), and "Nana" to a "bonus" of 5. Nursing has been my profession for 25 yrs. I believe that politics is corrupt & that we we're living in serious times. There you have it, the sum of my 56 yrs with hopes that I've made some kind of difference on this earth for the Master.