Well, Meet Mr & Mrs. Paul Bunyan:
We finished splitting our 5 cords of wood today. Life in the woods. Gotta love it.
Both of us can barely walk. Half of the wood was split by hand. A neighbor offered to lend us the wood splitter yesterday and are we ever hapy about that.
We bought the wood this year. We may be retiring our chain saw. We just ain't the kids weused to be. I hate aging!!! Don't give me that, "consider the alternative you know what"!
This is awful. I guess you could say I'm not aging gracefully. I am going down screaming and hollering, tho'.
WOW! Thats a lot of wood!
I would love to be at your place in the winter. I love sitting by the fire.. sippin' hot cocoa, chatting and just watching the fire.
I think you and Gary have found your nitch in life. You guys need to open a business. Just think how healthy you would be.....lol
You sure look cute sitting there with that hat and those gloves on.
Why don't you just turn your heater on...come on...don't be so cheap.
Truth be known. We do have central air, but Cathy, you know that there is nothing like wood heat to warm you through!!
Dore', I hate to tell you, but we only have this beyond ugly wood stove. No fireplace. Althoughl, the stove has a glass door and you can still see the fire. The hot cocoa sure sounds good. Come on up!!! HI
Helen Ida, you gotta check out Shelly's blog, she is making a commitment to blog everyday. Now I will be able to see what is going on with them. Next best thing since I don't live by them.
I second the WOW! We haven't even started getting the wood for the winter. We keep hearing that it's going to be a bad winter. That means snow measured by the foot. The leaves are already turning and the autumn weather has begun also. You guys are amazing. I don't want Bob to see this. He might think that I should be able to help with the wood. Nope. Not gonna do it.
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