This is me!

This is me!
Helen Ida, Honey, Mom, Grammy and Nurse, Nurse, I need the bedpan!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Our headboard is actually an antique door that I initially painted the inner panels green and the frame an off white. I never really liked how it turned out. I had been mulling over what colors I wanted and then Emily suggested, black and white matching the picture of the Beatles. So, I think the whole bedroom will eventually change. I want to replace out prestent oak bedroom furniture with second hand pieces that I can restore. That will be a while away, because it will take some time to find the "perfect" piece.


CATHY said...

Nice decor...I like what you did with the door, what a clever idea. That picture, well what can I say Paul?

Jesea G said...

That is a cool head board. I've seen that done before on a decorating show on TV. I tried it but it didn't turn out as nice as yours.
On a different note... If you get the chance to see the movie "Fireproof Your Marriage" please do. It was awesome! You can google the movie to find out more about it. I cried, Bob cried and so did the audiance. It was very powerful. I have actually ordered 10 of the "Love Dare" books. Let me know what you think.
I tried to get into Cathy's blog but for some reason, I can't. It happens all the time. Maybe she will read this and check out the movie too.

About Me

United States
At the present, I would describe myself first, as a child of God and follow with wife, mother, grandmother, friend, nurse and invisible woman. If you are female age 50 or above, most likely you understand my invisibility. I've always understood my mortality, it's the loss of youthfulness I grieve. I was born in NV and raised in CA (a latch-key kid). I presently reside in central OR, a lovely place to live, but leaves me lonely for my dear friends & too far from my family. I know the love of a good man. I'm the mother of 3 wonderful adult children & Grammy to two (my "adorables"), and "Nana" to a "bonus" of 5. Nursing has been my profession for 25 yrs. I believe that politics is corrupt & that we we're living in serious times. There you have it, the sum of my 56 yrs with hopes that I've made some kind of difference on this earth for the Master.